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Google Ad Sense Account – Preparing for Google Ad Sense Program

Google ad sense account is a must have for all those webmasters who wish to make money from their blogs or websites. Getting this account is how ever not easy since many people have misused it before and Google is therefore strict on whom it gives.

The Google ad sense account can be applied for free but one has to read all the laid down guidelines and terms of service provided. They are to be read and understood before actually applying for the account to prepare you. Once you are comfortable with them and ready to abide, you can then go on and apply.

The guidelines and terms of service will help you to create a site that follows them else your application will not be accepted. It’s advisable to abide by them because no matter how long you have been active, any break of any of them will lead to disqualification or even banning of the account from participation on this program. Create and complete a simple blog or website which Google will evaluate before they give you an account. It should be simple and with relevant content else they wont accept your application.

Once they approve your account, you can log in and develop ad units, customize them as you want and then paste the JavaScript code generated on to your web pages. The blog or web pages you develop should follow the guidelines provided since existence of unaccepted content is never tolerated under the Google ad sense program.

One thing that makes the Google ad sense program tick is that with only one account approved, you can use the ad units in other websites as well, but be warned that breaking rules will have the ad sense program not working on all of them too.

What remains is now learning to make your blog or website visible to more people and optimizing it for increased revenue
www.syspag.com/articles has more free articles on Ad sense and website/Blog Optimization. Feel free to consult incase of a problem.

Author: Sullivan Pau

About the Author:
Sullivan Pau is a web Consultant and Webmaster at Syspag Studios ,A company offering web design,web hosting and SEO Outsourcing services.Rate this article and read more Internet Technology articles at More Ad sense Articles .