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How to come up with a great SEO article

Many people are starting to come up with articles to be used for search engine optimization purposes (SEO). It is important that a SEO writer come up with relevant articles that would attract visitors to a certain website. When one wants to write a SEO article, start of with a couple of keywords. These keywords would be your guide as to knowing what to actually write about. The keywords are often common words used in everyday conversations. Examples of the keywords would be college, shawls and floods. These are common words being searched for everyday by website visitors. If someone is looking for a certain article, example on college, if your SEO article contains the keyword "college", the chances of visitors checking out your website are rather high. If many visitors will enter your site, it will be very beneficial for you as you will be able to promote your website.

The keywords are not just for the purpose of visitors finding your website. But with the keywords, you will be able to shape up your article and think of possible topics related to your keyword. After coming up with an interesting topic, start to write your article. The common rule is to use the keywords as often as every 100 words. This will ensure that the website will be able to get a relatively good number of hits and visits. But there are some websites which do not require that the keywords be written every 100 words. Some keywords only need to be repeated twice in an article. Ask for details on writing and follow the guidelines given to you.

Another thing to be taken into consideration would be the number of words. A good number of words for the articles would be 300-500, unless specified otherwise. Always confirm if it is acceptable that you go past the minimum number of words.

But interesting topics are not the only aspects to take into consideration when writing SEO articles. One should make sure that the articles written are to be grammatically correct. If you have a website that contains articles that do not make much sense, your visitors will diminish. So after you write every article, make sure you read them again and again to make sure that there is a logical flow of thought. Proofreading it will also ensure that you have good grammar and logical sentence construction.

After proofreading, make sure that you run your article through an article checker. One reliable article checker would be CopyScape. This would ensure the owners of the website that they are getting original articles. CopyScape will run your article through a popular search engine to see if there is a duplicate article available. This helps avoid plagiarism and copying other people’s work.

By: John Moore
The author of this article is an experienced manager of a small web based business. He is now using his knowledge on many subjects, including article submission service and link building to help other webmasters succeed in their online endeavors.